Thursday, May 3, 2007

My Spidey Sense is Tingling

I've been taking some heat lately from folks who just can't quite believe I'm a Spider Man fan. And truthfully, it's very out of character for me. I'm about as much of a YUP-ie mom as you can get, what with my SUV, Ann Taylor credit card and condo in the suburbs. But damn, when it comes to superheroes, for some reason my heart has always been with Spiderman.

I remember when I was a kid I would grab the paper every day to read the comic strip, and scan the TV stations (all 4 of them) on Saturday mornings to find the cartoon. Something about his alter-ego as a journalist, his love for MaryJane the "regular" girl, and his tortured soul always captured my interest.

I admit, it doesn't make much sense. I was never a comic book geek and usually shriek when I see actual spiders. But I've already got my parents lined up to watch the kids Saturday night, and Dave has agreed be my date for opening weekend.

Let's face it: life is just too hard sometimes. There's too much to think about day to day, too much stress between work and home, and way too little time to lean back in a comfortable chair, hold hands with your husband, stare up at a screen three stories high and get lost in a completely improbably but absolutely enjoyable movie.

So we'll be at the 9 p.m. show in Danvers Saturday night. Feel free to join us if you want. The popcorn's on me.


Unknown said...

Hi there. I just clicked a link on another blog to see yours.

As a working mom myself, I'm always looking for someone who can empathize/share stories.

I also happen to have a son named Owen, who's almost 3. Your stories about your own made me smile -- it sounds familiar, and not just because of the name!

My husband has a blog, hence the name (I guest blog there weekly, as "The Wife")

I'll make a point of checking in when I can (usually after a certain toddler's bedtime...)

Anonymous said...

So how was the movie?

Date night? Fabulous...

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